HUD Multifamily Radon testing and mitigation

how much is radon testing?

On February 4, 2013 the Department of Housing and Urban Development announced that all multifamily properties seeking HUD backed financing or refinancing must include a Radon Report in their loan packet in order to receive loan approval.

What is a Radon Report?

A radon report is a document that can only be issued by a licensed or certified radon professional that shows the buildings have been properly tested for radon and if necessary mitigated to achieve radon levels below the EPA action level of 4.0 pCi/L.

A-Z Radon Services and its’ commercial division A-Z Solutions, Inc. works closely with HUD and the other regulatory bodies involved to ensure that our radon reports meet all the HUD standards and will be an approved loan document.   Our long list of clients including capital finance companies, due diligence companies, asset managers and building owners have shown that our process and documentation is 100% HUD compliant and will give you the most accurate results.  For a multifamily testing or mitigation quote please contact our office at 330 915 2650 or visit our web site at